Imaginary Architectures ( 2012 )
his is actually my first project. Although I had made in the past series of works with a common theme, none of them had the necessary degree of both conceptual and stylistic unity to be considered projects. That is until 2012, when after a full year of abstract works (most of which are presented in the Abstract Expressionism portfolio) I had reached a point where I felt that finding new ways and means to express myself would benefit my development as an artist. So my move was to work upon photography, seeking to mix abstract elements into a mainly figurative work.
This is how Imaginary Architectures was born, starting from a few photos of light reflected in glass buildings at sunset and of reflections of pedestrians in glass at night. I went further from these barely contoured silhouettes to imagining crowds of featureless characters assembled on a background of light reflections. This was my first take on the depersonalization effect that the urban environment has on us transforming us in contours and featureless shapes surrounded by reflected lights.
The large sized works here are painted in acrylic on canvas while the medium sized are in acrylic on printed photos collage on canvas.